Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Going to Parties

One of the strangest things about being a parent in the modern age is the young child's birthday party. Since Quinn has been going to preschool we're starting to get more and more invitations. I'm a little at a loss for etiquette, some parents say no (although there are always violators) presents others say yes and one wonders how to give an age-appropriate gift that doesn't cost too much without seeming cheap (or is it too late for me?).

Last month we went to a 4-year-old's party at a place called "Pump it up"; a big gymnasium full of inflatable play structures. This was a fantastic place to play. Quinn absolutely loved it and we had just about as much fun (thank goodness adults are allowed) jumping and climbing as he did. I'll be taking mental notes during the year as other birthday parties come and go so when we have one for Quinn we'll know what to expect. I'm guessing the common success factor will be having someplace where the kids can run around like crazy and lots of food.

We did another party at the beach in Oceanside. Luna had her 5th birthday a few weeks ago. Her father Jon, went to the beach at 2:00 AM to stand watch over the covered picnic table area. He got no sleep. Luna seemed to have a good time anyway. We got there a little early and missed the main fun. We still had a great time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry we started the party a little late. I'm still catching up on my sleep!! Let's surf!!!!